Our school caters for children between the ages of 3 and 11. It was established in 1992 and serves the old parish community of Miskin in Mountain Ash.
Our purpose is education, interpreted in its truest sense from the old Latin Verb, ‘educare’ – to grow. Therefore, it is our intent that all connected with the school receive a variety of rich opportunities to acquire knowledge, practise skills and develop talents to the best of their abilities: instilling a love of learning and no fear of failure.
Our Mission Statement reinforces this vision:
The school exists for its pupils to enjoy today and prepare for their tomorrows.
Our ethos is represented by the three Rs: Respect Responsibility Reliability
Our badge reflects our belief that reading and the ability to use language well is the key to learning:
Marvellous Miskin pupils have met their challenges had exciting new experiences and really enjoyed being outdoors and adventurous despite the rain! Well done to you all! Amazing pupils! https://t.co/LzbnzFVMb2