Estyn Reports
Miskin Primary- We could not be prouder of our school and pupils!
I’ve taken a few of the comments made by Estyn that reflect the excellent work and caring attitude that the school ensures we deliver to all our marvellous pupils.
We don’t tend to ‘blow our own trumpets’ but on this occasion, we want to share these evaluations with everyone.
Estyn School inspection Dec 2022 states-
This is a school at the heart of its community. Staff know their pupils and their families well. They provide a high level of care, support and compassion. As a result, pupils feel safe and well looked-after, and enjoy coming to school .
Well-being is at the centre of the schools’ work and nearly all pupils feel extremely well cared for. As a result, they have a strong sense of pride in their school community. Nearly all pupils are very happy in school and feel safe and secure. They have a strong sense of trust in the adults around them, and they know who to turn to for support. They are confident that they will be listened to, and that staff will manage any concerns quickly and effectively. Most pupils are polite and treat each other and adults with respect. Most show consideration for the needs of others.
The Miskin curriculum is well focused on what leaders know pupils in the school need to experience and learn. The curriculum includes a broad range of exciting and memorable experiences... They are successful in broadening pupils’ horizons and engaging them in their learning.
Safeguarding is at the core of the school’s work and everyone in the school understands the importance of keeping pupils safe. The culture of safeguarding is a strength of the school.
A notable feature in classrooms across the school is the warm, supportive professional relationships between adults and the pupils. Staff know their pupils and their individual needs exceptionally well. Teachers direct the work of skilled learning support assistants effectively, to create seamless provision that benefits all pupils. Lessons proceed at a good pace to ensure that no time is wasted. Teachers remind pupils of their expectations for work and behaviour. As a result, pupils concentrate and behave well. Teachers ask well-chosen questions that encourage pupils to engage in the learning. Pupils in turn want to please their teachers and work hard for well-earned praise.
The school is highly effective in supporting all pupils’ emotional, health and social needs and responds effectively to each individual circumstance. This makes a valuable contribution to pupils’ personal development.
Across the school, staff know and respect the pupils, their families and the local community very well. The provision supports all pupils to develop a strong sense of belonging to a community. This starts with pupils being encouraged to show care, compassion and respect for each other and adults within the school community.
The school provides an extensive range of experiences for pupils
Most pupils behave extremely well most of the time during lessons and they behave sensibly when moving around the school. Most pupils develop as responsible, ethically informed citizens who are able to show compassion for others.
Most pupils engage positively in the range of experiences provided for them, and many strive to be ambitious and capable learners. For example, they settle quickly to work and have a strong desire to learn. They speak positively and with confidence about their learning.
Reading has a high priority in the school and there are worthwhile initiatives to encourage pupils to read. These include encouraging parents to come in and use the parent reading area. The school shares books with homes that may not have a wealth of reading material. This develops a strong culture of a love of reading at the school.
Across the school, staff know and respect the pupils, their families and the local community very well. The provision supports all pupils to develop a strong sense of belonging to a community.
The school is a very inclusive learning community. Pupils who have additional needs are identified in a timely manner. The school caters well for their specific needs. Social and emotional support is provided both in small group interventions with a focus on creative activities, as well as through a supportive and caring ethos in all classes. In addition, there is worthwhile provision to support pupils with healthcare needs.
All pupils across the school are encouraged to take on roles and responsibilities such as playground leaders, librarians and house captains. This supports them to learn to become active citizens.
Leaders value the partnership with parents and develop a culture of trust where parents are confident to visit the school and talk about their worries or concerns. Parents appreciate the regular communication they receive about school events on social media. They enjoy joining their children in lessons on ‘grab a grown-up’ days. There is a strong emphasis on the well-being of pupils and their families throughout the school, together with a strong culture of safeguarding.
Very comfortable surroundings for the pupils and includes areas where they can go when they feel stressed or need some quiet time. Making good use of the outdoor area is challenging, as the school is built into the side of a steep hill, but staff have developed this environment well to meet pupils’ needs and to provide a wide range of learning opportunities.
We hope you have enjoyed reading this as much as we did. At Miskin we will continue to strive to be ‘Marvellous!’
(Please see the full report on the website link below).
Thank you
Staff and pupils of Miskin Primary, Mountain Ash.